Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26, 2015
Lt. Charlie Walsh
Squad 1 Reunion & Gorzon-Rajcula Retirement...B Shift"ORIGINALS", FF Thomas "BULL" Hill,
Lt. Charlie Walsh,  Engineer Jody Rhoden,  PM Dana McCrystal(2nd Generation)

Lt Steve Kidd "A", Bull "B", J.Rhoden "B", Lt Charlie Walsh "B", FF Doug Samms "A", LT Bobby Kasper "C"
I am asking for prayers, tonight for my Lt. from The"Original 12" Squad 1.  I received a call today from ret. Lt Bobby Kasper who was sitting with Lt Charlie Walsh in Englewood, Fl. and his family.  Bobby said that he doesn't know if Charlie actually knows if he is there or not.  He had made the trip wanting to share stories and pictures from the glory days with Charlie.  Bobby, as well as a few of us knew Charlie had been sick, but we had no idea that Charlie was THIS SICK.  Today, Hospice is there and administering some pain meds to keep Lt Walsh comfortable.  Bobby is by his side.  He says that it is close.  So I am asking you my friends to ask for Lt Charlie to have another safe journey and that peace is with his family.  I ask that he is soon pain free and enjoying sunshine and freedom.  I am asking that his heart is filled with God's amazing LOVE and that his family is embraced with that same LOVE and that they know he is in a better place.  Your prayers have strengthened me in these 136 days of Squatting .... I know your prayers will be heard for this.  I know I ask A LOT, but I do it because I know each of you are capable of doing great things, and together we can get all things done that we set out to accomplish!  Charlie Walsh is one of the reasons this truck is STILL in service and why there is 2 more trucks also.  He is a big reason why we were a success and why we did not fail.  Remember there was guide books... no "THIS IS HOW" it is done diagrams back then ..we were the 1st and he was one of the 3 LT's who led us!  Now it is our turn to carry him and lead him.  So, before you sleep tonight please say a prayer for my friend and Lt.  Charlie Walsh...... Thank you-Bull

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