I want to thank Clermont Fire Department especially the crew of Engine 101 and EMS 321 "C" shift and Rebecca Moore of "Rebecca Moore Hair Design" for being my 1st sponsors when I began this journey. I hate moving their pictures but I gotta stick by the rules and I do have some other nice people to put on the front page. Again THANK YA'LL so much for what you did to help me.
Tonight I will be posting this weeks Squats so we will be caught up with that and I will tell you that this was absolutely the roughest to get through. Mentally taxing because of Shakey and JP going into the hospital and the other was that I really over did it with reps and sets....Thinking i was 21 again not 55 ( closer to 56 if were being truthful). Plus one of out Lt.s is trying to gather all the names of our brothers and sisters who have passed away NOT in the line of duty for a Memorial in Ocala at the Fire College...the last total of OCFRD personnel I saw he had was 59! and the sad part is I remember 52 of these people. I would have never thought there was that many who have died since I have been with Orange County. Makes me sick to my stomach that our lives are so short. Something is wrong somewhere. Sorry I would like to do more with this topic but it will have to wait for another time. To the squats!
MONDAY SQUATS- 10 x bar,10 x 95#,6 x 135#,5 x 185#,3 x 225#,3 x 275#,2 x 315#
TUESDAY SQUATS- 10 x bar,3 x 150#,3 x 200#,2 x 250#,1 x 290#,1 x 315#
TUESDAY EVENING FRONT SQUATS- 5 x bar,5 x 95#,4 x 115#,4 x 135#,3 x 155#,2 x 175# 1x195#
WEDNESDAY "ZERCHER" SQUATS-5 x bar,5 x 110,3 x 150#,3 x 200#,1 x 240#,1 x 290# then FAILED 2X AT 315# so I did the Squat wod which was 20 sets of 2 reps adding weight every minute on the minute and it went like this for 10 sets of 2 reps each weight change- 135,145,155,165,175,185,195,205,215,225, then it went to adding only 5# each set but still doing 2 reps-225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,270,275- so at 21 sets I decided to just add the weight to 315 and do it...1 x 315 and DONE!
THURSDAY SQUATS ( 18" box) 10 x 95#,8 x 145#,6 x 195#,4 x 245#,2 x 295#,2 x 315#
ok so I see why my legs are toast this week....I usually try to keep these squat days to 5-8 reps at the most and I was WAY OFF most days this week with excess of over 50 reps one day and 30 or more on others. OK enough whining outta me just stating the facts......alright no more whining!!!! I hope to have some more for ya'll this weekend. Please take the time to send prayers to Shakey and JP and the families. I am so humbled to what everyone has done to help these 2 families. It is an honor to be a part of this journey, Truthfully I would rather NOT be doing this BUT I couldn't nor would I have it any other way than side by side with ya'll. Shakey, JP please rest well tonight brothers and know that you have our love, our prayers and our hearts with you daily. I ask God to wrap His powerful arms around you my friends. Love ya, Bull
I got ya backs boyz |
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