Monday, July 20, 2015

100th DAY of SQUATS
Just had to bring out THE Hulkster with the Capt America "look" to celebrate 100 days

Yesterday, Rach filmed and posted the failed squat.  I am glad she did because the truth is, is that there are plenty days where this happens.  Yesterday I was trying to give my legs a break and do front squats up to the 320#, but realistically I have never gone over 275# and that has been a while ago.  I got to 280# and thought I might get it ...FAIL...I forgot how hard it is to breath with that much weight on your chest.  So I went to back squat and built up to 320# x 2.  It is not fun or pretty to fail but for me it is a weekly occurrence and I have been learning to use these failures for my benefit.  I have learned there is nothing wrong with failing, as long as I DON'T QUIT!...And since by the Grace of God that I have not qui,t there is now 100 days of thinking of, praying for and a lil bit of suffering with my brother's.  100 days of BROTHERHOOD that I almost forgot existed.  100 days of HOPE that together we can make a change, that we can start to build a foundation of lifting each other in times of need.  Shakey and JP did not receive good news from the physicians last Tuesday, but they got 100 days of brotherly LOVE.  We have not stopped, we have not quit and no matter how many times we have failed we will keep day at a time.  We are going to stand next to our friends for as long as this takes.  We will yell loud enough to get more people involved who can help us.  We will make the changes.  And remember this......
Every Day is a Second CHANCE...Bull

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