Monday, August 17, 2015

DAY 127
It is Mon and it was a great day!  First, my weekend was the best in a long time.  I was chosen for an award by the Fraternal Order of the Eagles for humanitarian actions outside of FD.  BUT,  as nice as this was the BIGGEST award was the surprise of my children and grandchildren driving down from Charleston to surprise me for the ceremony!  I was totally caught off guard and it was one of the best surprises I have ever had!  Thank you Rachel for loving me the way you do and putting this all are the BEST!  Then today our brother Shakey was at work!!!! Yes he was ....I got to visit with him at training for a bit before my day started so you know that was a big lift for me!  I want to thank everyone again for all the support up to now and I really mean this.  But...we are only 127 days in to our 365 day journey and I know we are all on board I just want to ask each of you to speak with friends and family members to see if they can help us too.  Thanks and I know the next 238 days are gonna be great.  I have not spoken with JP today but I know he and Rachel were headed to Shands this morning...I will do my best to talk with him or Rachel tomorrow...PLEASE -PLEASE-PLEASE keep JP and Rachel and their family in your thoughta and prayers as they go through this trying and painful time.

SKWAATS  (squats)  SO FAR!
Today I did the Zercher Sqts which most people will not do cause they murder your elbow joints BUT i like them for some strange reason...I went up to 330# from a standing rack position to a squat then back to rack.  Then I switched to a Zercher DL from squat position and made it up to 345# for a PR but failed at 375#.  Sun was a reg box Sqt to 370# on a 18" box which is just below parallel for me.  Sat I had to squeeze them in fast due to all the activities that day so I only went too the minimum of 330# to a 20" box.  So far we ave made it 127 straight days of squatting to at least 300# as a minimum and up to 495# with bands.  GOD has been GOOD to us and I believe we are going to grow even more if we can stay true and strong to this journey.  JP just texted me and said today was horrible and will update me tomorrow.  PLEASE keep him lifted up!!!!  We are in full swing right now of getting ready for the 343 Hero Challenge at the Fit Pit.  This is our 3rd year and each year we grow-this year all proceeds are going to Firefighter Cancer Support Network/Fla chapter.  Right now we are letting civilians in to practice the FF tactics so they can be prepared for the day of battle.  If you have not been out to see this event you have to come and check it out....This year it is on Sept. 12th at Forsyth Rd Training Center and it kicks off with color and honor guard presentation at 8am.
James Geering and Brian from The "CREEK"- Reedy FD that is

CREEK brother going through the 1st wod which is the 343 Step ups that honor the FDNY brothers

330# from Sat 8/15/16...lightest lift of the weekend

JP and Stephen, rest well tonight brother's and know deep inside that you and your families are not alone.  We as a group of brother's are standing beside you both daily taking turns and never leaving your sides.  We are here to stay and you both have made us stronger.  We love well my friends....Love ya, Bull

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