A Few Photo's and Thought's
On Fri, the 2nd day of Sweating for Shakey, the OCFRD Hockey team stopped in to present Shakey with a present. These guys are special and have huge hearts. This is what I remember in my early Fire days how we stood up for each other when things took a turn for the worse, you didn't even ask for help, it just happened cause we were a family. These guys raised $1,500.00 for Shakey at their hockey match. Nobody asked them they just knew they needed too do this. That's the stuff NO ONE can take from us, that is the kind of heart we need to feed, this is what we need to build our futures from. This is the foundation that NO ONE can ever destroy IF we can remember that it's more than a job it's a brother hood.
Here we have a mix of Orange County FD, Cape Canaveral FD, Reedy Creek FD and the City of Orlando...some had never met Shakey until this day! and they still came, NOT because it was a friend in need, NOT because they were gonna get recognition for their actions, NOT for any other reason than there was a brother in need and they wanted to help him. Until ya'll reach deep inside and do this you will never understand the reason WHY we do these things. My heroes were strong this day and the day before...giving of themselves!
Sta 81 retirement breakfast for Lt. Steve Elliott. In my eyes one of the BEST of the BEST men I know...not just as a FF but as a man of honor. I have had the chance to work with Steve years ago at the infamous Sta 50 where I was one of the original Squad members and Steve was coming in as 2nd generation. He embodied the heart and soul of a true firefighter and I learned a great deal from him. Over the years we split ways and I hadn't seen him much but when I was invited to come to this celebration I was not about to miss it. The sad part is, is that I was reminded this day that I am the last of the first to still be in active duty. The last original Squad 1 member to still be in-service LOL....That means I am getting old. We fought hard back in the day to keep that unit a float and it seems like we butted heads with everyone...but I guess our heads were harder cause now there's 2 more!
Arm in arm with the man who has brought us all back together, going over all the names of the brother's and sister's who came out the day before and today to honor him and 2 Boston Firefighters who passed a year ago. It's funny but while I was there with Shakey, and we were arm in arm it felt like the whole room was empty and we were the only ones there. I do not ever want to forget that feeling we shared standing there or the knowing inside that what we were doing for him was absolutely RIGHT!
And last, AND least of all, my squats for today Friday the 9th, day 27(I think)...16" box squat which is about 2" below parallel for me and the highest total max as of the start 340#. I am trying to get pictures every day because I actually had someone ask me, "How we gonna know your squatting everyday"...Only one person has asked this question AND it isn't even anyone who is donating money. The very sad part is, it is someone who has known me for many years. It cut me deep that someone would ask me that question because this going to a man who is fighting for his life, it's not a joke. So this is the reason I keep posting squat pictures so there IS NO DOUBT and that I am a man of my word....Not to sure I like this shot though cause it looks like I am 30# over weight with that big belly! LOL...Well tomorrow is a new day with a new challenge ahead, I am trying out for the FF Calendar, and I really want to use the opportunity to bring more awareness to Shakey and our Squatting for Shakey journey, awareness of his situation and to raise the donation funds to another level. I think thru this we will be able to reach hundreds of people.
"Dear Lord, please watch over the men and women tonight who wear the uniform of Firefighter's. Please hold them in safety and protect them from harm. I ask that they have the courage to fight the good fight and to help those in need without fear. I ask that their families at home love on them if they have had a hard shift and that those that have a spouse find compassion. And Dear Father, I ask you to lay your LOVING HANDS on Stephen and family that they may feel your amazing grace and know they are not alone, that they know in their hearts that you are with them ALWAYS. Please GOD may your peace fill Stephen's heart. And one last thing Lord, may we who are on the outside helping never give up. Through Your Son Jesus I ask this. Amen"...
Rest well my friend, Love ya Bull