Wednesday, May 27, 2015

DAY 47
May 23rd 135#x3/123#x5/225#x1/285#x1/310#x1
May 24th 135#x5/223#x1/311#x1
May 25th  MEMORIAL DAY...did "Murph" with friends at South Lake...1 mile run 100 pullups 200 push ups 300 air squats 1 mile legs were warm so I loaded 310# on the bar and did it for 1 rep....DONE!
May 26th 95#x10/135#x10/225#x5/275#x3/310#x1
May 27th Bar x 10/ 95#x10/135#x10/225#x5/ 275#x3/ 310#x1

I apologize for getting behind with Blog  and will do my best to keep up as best as possible.  Hope everyone is well out there and looking for some excting things to be happening very soon...I will let ya know.

SEPTEMBER 12th is the date for the years 343 HERO CHALLENGE....we will need Volunteers!, venders!, ATHLETES!  and people here to yell their tails off for all the athletes and Honor Guard who always rock the house!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Take the time to read and soak in every word
Now lets go get the things done today that you want and need to do.  START building those dreams into the stuff that matters most!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

THURSDAY  is my Friday!!!
Thursday Squats went better than expected....last set was 310# for 3 reps which I should have tried for 3 more but I remembered during the squatting that I had about 10 - 12 sets of banded box squats to do tomorrow on top of Shakey Squats.  Not sure what day were in but I will look at my chart this weekend and update the blog.

Here is a paragraph from one of my favorite books.  This book actually saved my life.  You may ask "How can A BOOK save your life"!..well all I can say is that it is true and it did, as well as some people too, BUT I spent more time reading this book and doing the things that were asked of me in it than anything else about 15 years ago during a very dark time in my life as well as a new awakening.

...An illness of this sort - and we have come to believe it an illness - involves those about us in a way no other human sickness can.  If a person has cancer all are sorry for him and no one is angry or hurt.  But not so with the alcoholic illness, for with it there goes annihilation of all things worth while in life.  It engulfs all whose lives touch the sufferer's.  It brings misunderstanding, fierce resentment, financial insecurity, disgusted friends and employers, warped lives of blameless children, sad wives and parents - anyone can increase the list....

Until I had read this book or been brought in the rooms of Alcoholic's Anonymous I had no clue how sick I was.  People could tell me that I was acting a little off at times, but not ALL the time.  People could even say that maybe I just needed to stop drinking the hard stuff, but until I walked through the doors and listened to those who were like me, I had no clue.  I won't get into details tonight but I wanted to share this about me because I know this is also a huge issue in the fire service and for those reading this that wonder...your not alone, and there's help and I have been 15 years without and YEP I can still have fun!!!!  But this just like anything else in your life, it is about making a choice ...then TAKING ACTION on that choice or decision.  Taking action to better may be taking a class, it might be losing weight or it might be coming into the Pit and start working out.  It could even be leaving a relationship that is harmful, or standing up for what is right even though you might think the odds are too great against you....Hear me MUST do whatever it is that needs to be done or you will regret it.  Scars heal, pain fades away no matter how bad it is, but the regret of NOT taking action on a dream or a goal will haunt you forever...We do not know if we will live another 50 years or 10 why wait and wonder?  Why do you fear over it?  Why do you let pain control your life?  STOP now with all the excuses and go after what it is you want to do.  Step out of your comfort zone and lend a hand to someone in need.  Be that change you want to see in the world.  Let's make a difference!....Have a great night my brothers...until tomorrow be safe tonight and BE STRONG......Bull

STA 66

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dave, Katie,Batman(Dave),Gus, Mike,Doss, Bull, Coop and Jimmy, other than batman I see a bunch of buddies.  Sometimes we get along just fine and sometimes we butt heads, some I have worked with once or twice and some I have spent years by their side.  One or two I only met through working at the Pit.  To me we're just every day people, doing the best we can in a career that sometimes takes more than it gives.  But to the general public we are looked on as heroes.  To the kid next door we are what he dreams of becoming one day and to everyone who dials 911 we are "The Answer" to their problems and emergencies.  To me these are my brothers and sisters and the more time I spend in this "job" the more I realize how much they mean to me.  Sure I have my bad days when I could careless and I am on my pity pot, but 99% of the time I wouldn't want to be with any others.  But I look at this picture now and realize how fortunate I am to have these people in my life, and not for the years of friendship but for one special day last month when they all came out to beat themselves up and raise money for a brother fighting a life battle....  In those couple days I learned a lot about brotherhood that I had forgot about over the last few years, for a couple days we all came together and gave of ourselves just because it was the right thing to do.  A year from now I hope I look back with the same love I feel now and I am sure I will because in those couple days I saw HEROES being made!  In those couple days I saw what I think the kid next door see's in the firefighter's he watches with wide eyes.  When I think about those couple days and the amount of selfless giving I saw on the Pit floor I am still taken back.  I was in the midst of GREATNESS and I truly believe that.  Some may see it differently but that's OK, because this is about what I saw in my brothers and sisters and they deserve praise for what they did.  I am just thankful to have been there to see it and be a part of it.  Dave Sullivan I am gonna miss you brother and I hope all goes well in Colorado for you and yours, you have always stood by my side and I am grateful for you.  I wish you well my friend and I love you brother.  The rest of you I still have with me for a while!!!LOL   Squats this week have gone well so far.  Monday was Safety Bar Squats to 300# to a 12" LOW box then raised it to 16" at 310#, Tuesday was Straight Bar Box Squats to a 18" box to 310# and today was a Back Squat at 135#x5, 225#x1,275#x1, 310#x1.   I am thankful for ALL the sponsors and prayers and just the outpouring of positive texts and words from so many.  We have just begun this journey and I can not do this with out your help.....I have some exciting news about our very own website coming to fruition very soon.  Until well my friend. Love ya Bull
NOPE, it's not gonna move unless I pick it up!!!!!  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Carol Larson $25.00
Chris Stein $25.00
Here are the Son's of my Anonymous 1 year doaner at $90.00 a month

And our newest members are Orange Counties very own Lt Bracewell and his wife Dalia who both came out and worked their tails off in the DORK wod.  It is an honor for me to be doing this and to have the support of all these people.  This month theres room for more sponsors so get the blob out to friends and family....Thanks Bull
Dan and Dalia have donated $100.00 toward "Squatting for Shakey"....Thank you so much all the sponsors!  Each day gets tougher but when days like this come about trust me it helps my motivation.  Bull

Sunday, May 17, 2015

SUNDAY 5/17/2015
Sunday mornings for most of America consists of a morning worship service at your local church of choice.  Today in the city of DeBary the Fire department put on their own brand of worship and fellowship where people came and participated in one way or another to help a friend and brother in need.  As I sat and I listened to people chat and watched as a huge number of people came and went from 7 am til 12 pm the atmosphere was one of a community that was coming together for one of theirs, as I sat next to Stephen off and on everyone came by to wish him love and prayers, a lot of hugs and hand shakes and as they walked away I saw many tears.  DeBary FD and Orange City FD did a jam up job of running the show.  Rach and I got there around 7;15 and it had already begun and you could tell this wasn't their first time putting on this kind of event.  I met Chiefs, Fire Marshall's and Pres. Allen Crawford of the DeBary Vol. Firemans Assoc. ( I hope I got that right)...These guys and gals were the varsity squad!  Never did I feel like an outsider, but a brother and I want to thank you for what you have done for Stephen.  I was finally able to meet Jenny Corbin who has gone out of her way to supply us with the Shakey Shirts!  There are so many more I met and talked with but I don't want to forget anyone so, how about leaving your names in the comments !!!! LOL  Orange County showed up too and as always I am proud of my brothers and sisters.  I had to take advantage of Max S ( rookie and one time Pit member LOL)  and he did a great job of making sure all the tables were cleaned and replacement settings were put out after each person left.  As silly as this sounds I was proud to watch him do this because to me it is that step in the long processes of becoming a brother firefighter  Max showed up and he served others and he will always remember this and hopefully he will take a rookie and guide them also.  I am trying not to forget these things that the older senior guys showed me when I was a probie.  The men and women of DeBary and Orange City came together and served first class and it was an honor to be a part of this.  I got a chance to meet Stephens father who was video taping the event and it was a real pleasure talking with him.  I couldn't help but wonder what his thoughts were and how hard this must be to watch his son go through this and not be able to help.  Stephen was able to stay a couple hours but was not feeling very good due to having his treatments just a couple days ago.  Seeing him gives me hope and so many others also.  ALL ya'll that came out I want you to know it mean't a great deal to Stephen and I want to thank you myself.  So this morning to me, this was a church service where instead of going and listening to a man speak about what we should or shouldn't do I was able to be a part of "the people serving other's" which I believe is one of the biggest things missing today in our society.  Here a few pictures from today.
THE MAN with some friends and family

This weeks squats were up and down so today I will just post the final totals so I am not boring anybody with sets/reps. Mon -Back Sqt 305 X 3/Tues Camber Bar to 16" box 300X1, Wed Reg Bar to 16" box 310x1, (this day I changed max to 310 minimum) Thurs Safety Sqt Bar to 18" box 310x1, Fri Safety Sqt Bar to 16" box 310x1, Sat Back Sqt to 310x1, Sun Back Sqt to 310x1.  I thank God that I have been able to keep this up and I must admit some days I don't even want to think about putting that load on my shoulders.  But then I think about Stephen and others and what they are dealing with daily and I pray and I realize that what i have to do is really not too bad.  I am in need of sponsors this month so give me a call or email me at and I will get you on board.

Father thank you for today and all the people you have placed in our lives and the new friends I met today. Hold my brother Shakey tonight in your arms and love on him and his family.  They need You.  In your Son Jesus name I ask this.  Amen
Sleep well my brother,  love ya Bull


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Squatting for SHAKEY
Below is a picture of my Squat log. I am mainly keeping this log so if I am ever asked again "How do we know your squatting everyday" then I will have proof.  As of day 34 I haven't been asked that question again.  I guess that just shows what was in that individual's heart,  I actually feel bad for him, because to be in the position the hold to have such a lack of trust in the fellow man.  It is a shame and a pity.
Ok so lets move on.  One thing I have learned over these 30 years is don't let the haters drag you down to the level they live on,  If you stay at that level you will die a miserable death but first you will live a long painful life of lies.

Here on this page to left is first 23 days
and what started as going as heavy as possible changed to going to 300-305# every day which is about 85% of my heaviest squat this year.   Below are the last 11 or so days and once I got to 31 days of squats I upped the minimum to 310# every day.  If this go well in 30 days I'll lift the amount to 315# or 320#.  Thank you for all the support BUT I really need to find sponsors for our brother for the 
next few months..

This Sunday, May 17th Rach and I are going out to DeBary to cook or serve breakfast at the fund raiser for Shakey.  PLEASE come join us we can use all the help we can get and I promise you WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!  Every ounce of energy you put forth will pay off in the long run, every bit of volunteering is a PLUS not only to the family but to you!  You will like YOU for helping a brother....It is hard to explain but something inside just grows from the goodness you have done...   More later...enjoy your Saturday...Bull

Thursday, May 14, 2015

 Respect Seniority heart CAMARADERIE HONOR heart Brotherhood heroes MENTOR
commitment HEART RELIABLE Loyalty compassion heart DEDICATION heart accountable PASSION HEART UNDERSTANDING HEART dependable VaLoR heart COURAGEOUS DISCIPLINED faithful Heart LEADERSHIP 
"doing the right thing when NO ONE is looking"
These are just a few words I found that describe least that's what the public says. Remember, we are here to serve, no matter what, this is what we chose.  Take care of each other.  We are different from the rest!....Bull

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

DAY 32
Today was the 32nd day in the 365 day journey to raise awareness and funds for our brother Shakey.  It was also the 32nd day of squats, to a minimum of 300#, and today I raised the minimum to 310# for the next month.  It is also the 32nd day of this blog, something I never thought I would do in a million years.  And, I must say A LOT has happened since I made the decision to do "something".  It is amazing what happens when we actually put action to our thoughts.  I mean, over the years I have had some really awesome "GOOD INTENTIONS" and I have had a hundred "I WISH I WOULD HAVES" not to mention the ever present "IF ONLY I HAD"...
I must of finally got tired of saying those haunting words above, over and over again.  I also talked to some honorable people before I just blew the "good intention's" off.  Starting some time next week this site will be moved to our own "PAGE/DOMAIN" which Lt. J Afrifa and the Benevolent Society has graciously purchased for us.  We have had our first "Sweating for Shakey"fund raiser in which the efforts of a few determined Fit Pit Roughnecks' lead by Eng. Coughlin and FF Doss'asaur' was launched and in a day and a half raised $3,500.00!  Also a big help from Brian Megargee for the T-shirts(which I should have more this week). Also a thank you to Lt.Willis for the banner we all signed.  We came together from Cocoa and Canaveral to Orlando and up to Reedy Creek then across to Winter Garden and finally bringing in our Clermont brothers to work together in a war of our own to honor 2 fellow brothers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and to show our faithfulness to not let a brother"Shakey" suffer alone.  In these 32 days we have also been able to sell close to another $1,000.00 worth of Tshirts which goes directly to Shakey.  So far I have been able to raise $1,200.00 thru the Squatting for Shakey.  Each month I am looking for more sponsors so we can keep these funds coming in all year.  This Sunday, the 17th, Rach and I are heading out to DeBary to help serve or cook pancakes at another fund raiser for Stephen and his family.  I am asking again for ALL WHO CAN HELP!!!! to please come out and lets make this a huge success.
 THANK YOU MY BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S... and I am not just talking about Orange County FF's BUT all who have participated in one way or"retired" Capt Al,... and a Lake County business owner who has sponsored me for 1 year to squat for a man he has never met and asked to remain anonymous.  To OCSO Rob G who squats with me just about everyday as well as Doss just so I don't have to go it alone when I am at the Pit.  So many more!  I also want to thank ya'll for all the encouragement I have been getting on a daily basis, that has truly kept me going some days when my body feels like quitting.  So much has happened that has truly been above and beyond what I expected.  And to think it was only a thought 33 days ago.  I am so grateful to all you who have made this possible. And to think we are only 1 month in!!!!   I wish I could say more but it is really late and I need rest so I can train the masses tomorrow!....  I ask that God's blessings be with us all and that HIS loving HAND lay upon us and protect us all.  Rest well tonight,  Bull 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Monday, May 11, 2015

I'll catch ya up on the squats from Saturday morning, Sunday and today.  Saturday was a busy and so after coaching and working out early I did regular back Squats at 135#x5, 185#x1, 235#x1, 285#x,305#x1, Sunday was probably THE roughest day to date.  I was out late Saturday night with the firefighter calendar comp and did a little leg shaking that night that my body is not use to.  So Sunday was physically a nightmare and I was finally able to Squat at 4:30 pm.  I did 18" box squats which by far are the most least demanding on my knees and back. 135#x3, 185#x3, 235#x3, 285#x1, 305#x1"HORRIBLE" is the best way to describe the feeling during these squats but I also realized how meaningless my pain is compared to others.  Monday, today is day 29 almost a full month.  My legs were still fighting me all because of a little dancing!  But thanks to the Doss"asaurous" I got through it and actually did more reps than normal.  135#x5, 225#x3, 275#x1, 305#x3
Sunday -18"box plus 305# on bar "HORRIBLE" lol!

So Saturday night I ended up doing the calendar competition.  A few weeks ago when we started working on "Sweating for Shakey" and this blog, I pretty much stopped working towards that goal.  Then Rachel asked me point blank "either take the profile picture and do a bio or don't do this thing"
I knew I had to fulfill what I had started so that was that.  I started really thinking how IF I can get on this calendar we might be able to get better exposure for the blog and that would lead to more sponsors!  Also more exposure to people in high places to help us with this battle, so it went from a nervous thing to my best and do as well as possible and don't LOSE.  So Shakey there were no nerves that night.  I asked for strength to do my best and let the chips fall where they may.  And it went very well brother man! it looks like the old man is gonna fill a spot some where on the 12 months and we are gonna use it to get some help!...I emailed K92.FM today to tell them that Ashley from their station did a great job as our MC Saturday, and asked if she had a chance to take a look at our blog and offer any professional advice.  She seemed very nice and I think she would be a plus to helping us get better exposure.  It is a start my brother.  And like I said this needs to grow as big as we can get it!
This is Miss Ashley giving me great questions!  I met some of our brothers that night that I have never gotten the chance to really talk to before and it was good. All seemed like stand up guys. There was a camaraderie there that even though it was a competition everyone of us cheered for each other and at the end it was sad when 6 didn't get picked to be in the final calendar.  I never thought at (almost 56) I would be there but when I really started thinking about what this could do for your benefit I knew it had to be done.  I have a question Stephen.  What do you think about coming down to the Pit one day, just for an hour or so?  We could get lunch, and the guys want info on you every day.  My thoughts were maybe getting you out for a little fresh air and your buddies might help.  We could pick you up and take you home!  Just a thought for you.  Let me know.  Anyways my mind is beat tonight so I am gonna hit the rack.  Love ya man.  REST and GROW STRONG BROTHER!

"No, we will fall."
"No, we will fall."
They came to the edge.
He pushed them, and they flew.

Friday, May 8, 2015

A Few Photo's and Thought's
On Fri, the 2nd day of Sweating for Shakey, the OCFRD Hockey team stopped in to present Shakey with a present.  These guys are special and have huge hearts.  This is what I remember in my early Fire days how we stood up for each other when things took a turn for the worse, you didn't even ask for help, it just happened cause we were a family.  These guys raised $1,500.00 for Shakey at their hockey match.  Nobody asked them they just knew they needed too do this.  That's the stuff NO ONE can take from us, that is the kind of heart we need to feed, this is what we need to build our futures from.  This is the foundation that NO ONE can ever destroy IF we can remember that it's more than a job it's a brother hood.
Here we have a mix of Orange County FD, Cape Canaveral FD, Reedy Creek FD and the City of Orlando...some had never met Shakey until this day!  and they still came, NOT because it was a friend in need, NOT because they were gonna get recognition for their actions, NOT for any other reason than there was a brother in need and they wanted to help him.  Until ya'll reach deep inside and do this you will never understand the reason WHY we do these things.  My heroes were strong this day and the day of themselves!
Sta 81 retirement breakfast for Lt. Steve Elliott.  In my eyes one of the BEST of the BEST men I know...not just as a FF but as a man of honor.  I have had the chance to work  with Steve years ago at the infamous Sta 50 where I was one of the original Squad members and Steve was coming in as 2nd generation.  He embodied the heart and soul of a true firefighter and I learned a great deal from him.  Over the years we split ways and I hadn't seen him much but when I was invited to come to this celebration I was not about to miss it.  The sad part is, is that I was reminded this day that I am the last of the first to still be in active duty.  The last original Squad 1 member to still be in-service LOL....That means I am getting old.  We fought hard back in the day to keep that unit a float and it seems like we butted heads with everyone...but I guess our heads were harder cause now there's 2 more!
Arm in arm with the man who has brought us all back together, going over all the names of the brother's and sister's who came out the day before and today to honor him and 2 Boston Firefighters who passed a year ago.  It's funny but while I was there with Shakey, and we were arm in arm it felt like the whole room was empty and we were the only ones there.  I do not ever want to forget that feeling we shared standing there or the knowing inside that what we were doing for him was absolutely RIGHT!
And last, AND least of all, my squats for today Friday the 9th, day 27(I think)...16" box squat which is about 2" below parallel for me and the highest total max as of the start 340#.  I am trying to get pictures every day because I actually had someone ask me, "How we gonna know your squatting everyday"...Only one person has asked this question AND it isn't even anyone who is donating money.  The very sad part is, it is someone who has known me for many years.  It cut me deep that someone would ask me that question because this going to a man who is fighting for his life, it's not a joke.  So this is the reason I keep posting squat pictures so there IS NO DOUBT and that I am a man of my word....Not to sure I like this shot though cause it looks like I am 30# over weight with that big belly! LOL...Well tomorrow is a new day with a new challenge ahead, I am trying out for the FF Calendar, and I really want to use the opportunity to bring more awareness to Shakey and our Squatting for Shakey journey, awareness of his situation and to raise the donation funds to another level.  I think thru this we will be able to reach hundreds of people.

"Dear Lord, please watch over the men and women tonight who wear the uniform of Firefighter's.  Please hold them in safety and protect them from harm.  I ask that they have the courage to fight the good fight and to help those in need without fear.  I ask that their families at home love on them if they have had a hard shift and that those that have a spouse find compassion.  And Dear Father, I ask you to lay your LOVING HANDS on Stephen and family that they may feel your amazing grace and know they are not alone, that they know in their hearts that you are with them ALWAYS.  Please GOD may your peace fill Stephen's heart.  And one last thing Lord, may we who are on the outside helping never give up.  Through Your Son Jesus I ask this.  Amen"...
Rest well my friend, Love ya Bull

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Man In The Glass
Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr.

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself 
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your father, or mother, or wife
Whose judgement upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one starring back from the glass.

He's the fellow to please - never mind all the rest
For he's with you right up to the end
And you've passed your most difficult, dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass.

I have had this since High School football, for many years I tried to live by this code but the older I got the more excuses I found I could make and I slowly  stopped looking in the mirror.  A couple years ago i found it and spent a lot of time making amends for past mistakes and decided I needed to try again.  We as firefighters were chosen to stand a little taller and do things that most people wouldn't think of doing.  We have been given a gift of strength that is not found in the common folk,  sometimes it just takes a while for you to find it inside yourself...but it is there.  Every single TRUE FIREFIGHTER finds this strength when he often last expects it.  I am keeping it short tonight but had this poem come to me while I was reading and wanted to share it with you brother and sisters.  I also wanted to thank Rachel for setting up the sponsor page tonight on her 43rd Birthday!!!!
thank you my love,
Every now and then someone comes into your life and completely turns it around and upside down.  I am the lucky one here, with her.  Sometimes people can help make you a better person, I am with her.
And sometimes it feels like there is a empty hole when they are not around,  I am.  Happy Birthday my love....And I dig the shirt baby!....sleep well Shackster, rest abundantly and grow strong.  Our lives are a bit emptier without you here.  Hurry home.  Love ya man,  Bull

Please Welcome another SQUAT CLUB SPONSOR!!!!  No name here but she has a HUGE HEART and I love training her....This is for you Shakey...$1.00 a day for 365 DAYS!!!
Thank you for your generous and very helpful donation my friend!  You have blessed my life....Bull

Dr. Ernie Cortez 
of Florida Hospital Celebration-15 yrs of ER service!  Thank you SIR!

Dr Ernie is also a huge fan and competitor in the 343 HERO Challenge.  He has become a friend and mentor to myself as well as many Firefighters.  I am honored to have him on board in this journey-Thanks again Doc for your heart of giving!- Bull

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hey brother, it has been one of those days and been thinking of you and wondering how you are.  I feel foolish even asking the question " How are you doing".  "Well Bull, I am dying but I am fighting with all I have if that makes you feel better"  That's what I expect to hear from you Shakey!  I myself feel like shit because I am so use to helping others do for themselves what they can't do alone.  And I can not do a thing to help you.  We are trying to lighten the load the best we can brother.  I was able to have a Orange County Lt. contact me yesterday and will be a sponsor of the Squat journey so it's a big help.  Miss you man.  PLEASE drop us a note here or email that I can post to let the guys know how you are (shit here I go again).  This weeks Squats so far...Mon was a regular Back Sqt to 305# then a heavy Safety Bar Sqt to 315#.  The pictures below are from Tues with Doss on a 18" high box with a Straight Bar to 305#, then Wed with Doss again on a short 16" box with a Safety Squat Bar to 305# for 3 reps.  More days than not someone is squatting with me brother which is just another sign of brotherhood....I have not asked one person to join in but almost everyday someone steps in
Tues with Doss
Today with Doss the Boss again
Gotta clock out my friend I will be back with you soon.  Love ya, Bull

Monday, May 4, 2015

Last Thursday and Friday are 2 of the greatest days of my 30 years in the fire service!  I have been a part of some pretty cool things over this career of mine.  Including being one of the 12 original squad 1 member's and the last to still be in active duty.  Firefighter of the year 2006 (I think).  First deployment team out of state for Hurricane Hugo to Summerville, South Carolina.  Co founder of 343 Hero Challenge....etc... a lot of good memories.  But, what we accomplished in those 2 days was HUGE compared to any of the others.  We as a team of different departments came together as one to make sure our brother was given HOPE and LOVE of the deepest respect.  Maybe it didn't seem like much to those who stood on the outside and looked in and maybe it didn't seem like that much for some of you.  BUT, for this firefighter who has been here for 30 years it was the biggest participation that I have ever seen or been a part of for a sick brother.  As I watched each of you pour out your hearts and sweat and some tears on the Fit Pit mats I was truly proud to be among all you who took part.  As I watched Shakey's reaction to what he saw in you, as you went through each movement without complaint, I was humbled, as I listened to him speak I was given strength knowing that what we did was by far the BEST and MOST HONORABLE thing I have ever done in my career!  And you made this possible, all you who participated, did this.  The thing is, is that it wasn't even about me or you, it was about a brother who IS going to war against his own body. A body he trusted for years to carry him through multiple fires, multiple medical calls, a body he trusted to carry him home after every shift has turned against him.  It was about him and it still is and will be for a long time.  I know we have a long journey ahead of us BUT we can get through this together just as we dId last week.  Thank you all for bringing HOPE and LOVE back into this old firefighters life.  For a long time I thought all that I was a part of these years was gone....I see I was wrong. Thank you for showing me this!  I am sharing this picture below because I can remember how Shakey cried as I explained to him that these names represent all the people who have come out to support him the day before and so far today...and he mean't so much to him.  You all LOVED him that much!
I do not ever want to forget the gratitude I felt in my heart being able to tell him about what you all were doing for him.  This next picture is another I hold dear to my feel him squeezing me so tight just let me know how much you all were doing meant to him.  See, none of my previous accomplishments stand a chance next to this, not even close.  It was because of you that I have this moment to remember as the best of my 30 years!
And for this I want to THANK YOU ALL!
Today's Squats went good brother, got up to 305# on a back squat and then 315# on a safety squat bar.  P.S.  (We were able to hand Shakey $3,500.00 on Sat morning because of what you all did!  Amazing!)  Sleep well my friend,  love ya  Bull

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Welcome our 2 new Sponsor's
Welcome Dr. Ishbel Nieves-Reyes DMD, who has started off as a 6 month sponsor and go from there!  This is such a blessing.  Dr. Ish has been a friend for a couple years now and I am humbled and thankful for her generous support. Thank you Doc!!!!
Retired range County Lt. Toby Taylor has stepped up to be the 6th sponsor for Squatting for Shakey.  Toby was stationed at 66 while Stephen was there on the truck under Lt. Byron Rhodes.  Toby is starting off with a 1 month slot but is going to be supplying my body with some good health and energy products for the 365 days of this journey!

Tonight will be kept short due to my body begging for sleep! Saturday, Rach and I drove over to Toby's to visit but to also speak with him about coming on-board with this journey.  When I got there I sat on his couch and started chatting next thing I know,  Toby is waking me up and giving me a pillow then I was back out for 3 hours!!!!  I guess my body was telling me something.  He then took Rach and I up to his gym so I could fulfill my squats for the day which went great thanks to the nap!  I believe the excitement of the Sweating for Shakey event was such a great turnout that I was exhausted.  I will be writing more in days to come about that but I won't give it justice tonight. 
This weeks squats went pretty well.  MON 16"Box Sqt to 300#, TUES Zercher Sqt to 310#, WED Bk Sqt to 305#, THURS 18" Box Sqt to 300#, FRI Safety Sqt Bar 16"Box to 300#, SAT Bk Sqt to 300# x 2 reps, SUN Bk Sqt to 305#....Great week, surrounded by great people and got to see my brother Shakey twice among those his brother firefighters.
SUN back squats to 305#...Mike Ganley, Delma and Boatwright ran through my heart and mind while doing these squats.  I MISS THESE MEN.  Sleep well Stephen, Love ya  Bull


Friday, May 1, 2015

75 firefighter's and law enforcement officer's came together to honor 2 brother's who had fallen 1 year ago and to raise funds and give HOPE to a brother who is fighting a war of his own now.  Close to 50 more people were on hand to cheer on the ones who were in the arena battling for the strength to keep moving and the air to fill heavy lungs.  I was humbled by the turn out and the amount of donations that we were able to collect for Shakey and family.  Day 1 was nonstop from 7:30 am thru 6 pm that evening.  Doug Cooper came and busted out the grills and went to work feeding the hungry athletes.  The atmosphere was thick and everyone pushed harder than we had prepared for,  no one dogged it and all suffered in their own way to honor these men.  Day 2 began a bit early but by the time our first heat had finished warming up we were surprised by the guest of honor himself, Stephen and his wife Lisa! I was greeted by Shakey with tears that flowed freely and a real man hug that seemed to have lasted forever.  I don't think either of us wanted to let go.  The mood in the Pit seemed to be charged and a breathe of life flowed in. When Stephen spoke I don't believe there was a dry eye.  He told of his battle and what we need to do...He gave us all a gift and a warning together...Shakey has brought us all together, and as bad as this is, THAT is the blessing we some times miss because we are so consumed with the anger and sadness of the situation. The Fit Pit has become a common ground for us all and it has become his home away from home.  And now for 2 days different departments have come together as one and fought hard.  I know there will always be the cold and the calloused, the non believers, and the prim-a-donas BUT we out numbered them and our hearts beat louder on Thurs and Fri and I believe they will keep beating this way.  Only those who put it all out on the floor together know what I mean.  The presence of Stephen today mean't so much to us all, I watched in the back ground as his brothers took turns holding him and talking to him, and at one point Stephen had to sit on the stairs while a group stood around him as he spoke with his mask covering mouth and his tear stained face.  This same man had gone through 55 hours or more of chemo starting on Mon morning!  This was not an easy thing, but he came, and I pray he took HOPE from us when he saw the amount of people  who came out FOR him!  I watched him as I was explaining that these names that cover the white board represent all the people who came here to do battle for YOU, his body shook, he cried, he held me tighter. He was thankful.  He was thankful to YOU!  All you who came out here, all you who weren't afraid of the difficulty that lie ahead, all you who drove hours to get beat up willingly, all you who had NEVER met Shakey but came anyway to give of yourself, to give of your income to not be selfish but be LOVING!  yes that is love no matter how I look at it, what ya'll did these 2 days was LOVE on another brother, and one that a majority of you had never met!  See the naysayers can keep on saying what they want, the non brotherly firefighters can keep hiding behind what ever it is they think hides them.  BUT what you 75 did was truly amazing to be a part of.  And guess what, you will never have to feel the shame I felt years ago when I did not do the things I should have done for my brothers  Because you stepped up and did the right thing!  It is my honor to know you all-Clermont,Orlando, Cocoa, Winter Garden, Cape Canaveral and my Orange County brothers !!! Thank you for filling my heart and soul with this breath of brotherhood.  

This Fri afternoon at South Lake CF after leaving the Fit Pit...Squatting for Shakey, last set 300# to a 16" box with a Safety Squat Bar.   Thank you sponsors and you will be getting a new club member Sun I was told!!!...Shakey, Thank you brother for showing us the love Friday by coming to your home away from home with have renewed OUR hope and STRENGTHENED our BOND.  sleep well my friend, love ya Bull