Thursday, May 21, 2015

THURSDAY  is my Friday!!!
Thursday Squats went better than expected....last set was 310# for 3 reps which I should have tried for 3 more but I remembered during the squatting that I had about 10 - 12 sets of banded box squats to do tomorrow on top of Shakey Squats.  Not sure what day were in but I will look at my chart this weekend and update the blog.

Here is a paragraph from one of my favorite books.  This book actually saved my life.  You may ask "How can A BOOK save your life"!..well all I can say is that it is true and it did, as well as some people too, BUT I spent more time reading this book and doing the things that were asked of me in it than anything else about 15 years ago during a very dark time in my life as well as a new awakening.

...An illness of this sort - and we have come to believe it an illness - involves those about us in a way no other human sickness can.  If a person has cancer all are sorry for him and no one is angry or hurt.  But not so with the alcoholic illness, for with it there goes annihilation of all things worth while in life.  It engulfs all whose lives touch the sufferer's.  It brings misunderstanding, fierce resentment, financial insecurity, disgusted friends and employers, warped lives of blameless children, sad wives and parents - anyone can increase the list....

Until I had read this book or been brought in the rooms of Alcoholic's Anonymous I had no clue how sick I was.  People could tell me that I was acting a little off at times, but not ALL the time.  People could even say that maybe I just needed to stop drinking the hard stuff, but until I walked through the doors and listened to those who were like me, I had no clue.  I won't get into details tonight but I wanted to share this about me because I know this is also a huge issue in the fire service and for those reading this that wonder...your not alone, and there's help and I have been 15 years without and YEP I can still have fun!!!!  But this just like anything else in your life, it is about making a choice ...then TAKING ACTION on that choice or decision.  Taking action to better may be taking a class, it might be losing weight or it might be coming into the Pit and start working out.  It could even be leaving a relationship that is harmful, or standing up for what is right even though you might think the odds are too great against you....Hear me MUST do whatever it is that needs to be done or you will regret it.  Scars heal, pain fades away no matter how bad it is, but the regret of NOT taking action on a dream or a goal will haunt you forever...We do not know if we will live another 50 years or 10 why wait and wonder?  Why do you fear over it?  Why do you let pain control your life?  STOP now with all the excuses and go after what it is you want to do.  Step out of your comfort zone and lend a hand to someone in need.  Be that change you want to see in the world.  Let's make a difference!....Have a great night my brothers...until tomorrow be safe tonight and BE STRONG......Bull

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